Ohio Catholic Bishops “¡Presente!”

The Catholic Conference of Ohio, led by the Most Rev. David J. Bonnar with all the Catholic Bishops of Ohio, issued a statement. Excerpts below; full statement here.

From the beginning, the human race was made in the image of God, which distinguishes us from all other created things. The arrival of Jesus Christ in human history confirms the dignity God has given to each of us, without exception. It is our belief in the dignity of human life that guides our consciences and rhetoric when engaging in politics or personal conversation. Each of us, therefore, must turn to God and ask for eyes to see the infinite dignity of every person.

Today, we witness newcomers to our dioceses who have escaped extreme violence and poverty and are seeking work to support themselves and their families. Some are Catholic, some are not, but all are welcome in our parishes, and all are individuals loved by God.


Though national attention has turned to Springfield, we know that throughout Ohio our neighbors include Haitians and others fleeing inhumane conditions in their countries. Our Haitian brothers and sisters in Springfield have been granted ‘Temporary Protected Status,’ a humane federal program that protects foreign nationals from deportation to unsafe home countries. Like all people, these Haitians should be afforded the respect and dignity that are theirs by right and allowed the ability to contribute to the common good.

Read the full statement.


Red, wine, and you!


Love from the #CLE