Red, wine, and you!

The powerhouse progressive organizing group Red Wine and Blue is hosting a community meeting with the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, Ohio NAACP, Innovation Ohio, Ohio Immigrant Alliance, and Faith in Public Life on Sunday, September 22 to “Unite for Springfield.”

Sign up to receive Zoom information for the 6pm call here.

The invitation reads, “As certain national politicians spread lies about Springfield to try to gain power and tear us apart, Americans are joining together to support the people of Springfield and call for leaders with the courage to ensure all families can thrive. Join Springfield parents, students, teachers, business owners, and faith leaders who have been impacted by national politicians threatening the safety of their families and the community they love. We’ll also learn what we can all do to help spread the truth, support Springfield families, and get out the vote. Every dollar raised will go to the Haitian Community Help and Support Center and other local Springfield community nonprofits. See you there!”


Ohio Catholic Bishops “¡Presente!”