UMC: 5 Actions to stand against hate and Take Action

The General Board of Church and Society, United Methodist Church, “affirm[ed] the dignity, worth, and rights of migrants, immigrants, and refugees,” following United Methodist Social Principles. The body issued five actions for like-minded individuals to “take a bold witness, stand against hate and take action for all immigrants who live daily with the fear, harassment, and trauma from marginalization and violence.”

  1. Reach out to your neighbors and fellow church members who are immigrants to express solidarity and care, and to listen for what they may need at this time.

  2. Welcome newly arriving immigrants into your congregation.

  3. Share and discuss the Resolution “Welcoming the Migrant to the U.S.” in your communities.

  4. Begin and support English as a Second Language classes as part of a ministry to migrant communities and advocate for federal and state support of expanded ESL classes.

  5. Advocate for legislation that will uphold the civil and human rights of all migrants in the United States and will provide an opportunity to attain legal status for all undocumented migrants currently in the United States, as well as for those arriving in the future.


“Our Haitian neighbors elevate our communities”


“If we think we can love God without loving our neighbors, we are missing all of the Gospel. Not just half of it.”